Understanding hate speech’ activity in ‘Theme 1’ ‘SEL’ offers a concrete idea of how peer mentors can address the problem of hate speech in their environment, while drawing upon their peer community to maximise impact. The main activity includes a survey they could use in their school to measure the exposure to hate speech in their environment. With the results of the survey they can start thinking about possible next steps to address the topic in their community.
Step 3: One way of doing so is the ‘Theme 6’ ‘Create a counter-narrative campaign’ activity with a ‘Media Production’ focus. Here, participants get to know what a counter narrative is and how it can be used to fight online hate. This activity includes a planning sheet with important criteria to develop a campaign. As most young people haven’t done awareness raising before the sheet points out all important aspects they should consider for their campaign. If there is enough time you might produce content or talk about content creation among peers.Step 4: In ‘Theme 6’, the ‘Seriously rapid planning’ activity again brings in the ‘Peer Mentoring’ focus. Peer mentors will learn to define their messages, audiences and goals to successfully plan their own campaigns. The focus of this scenario is on understanding online hate speech and thinking about ways to increase awareness by planning a campaign. One goal is to activate young people to raise their voice and affect change in their community.Of course this pathway can be extended, for instance with additional activities from across all nine themes with a ‘Media Production’ focus – this will help young people to explore their creative and develop their own products. Meanwhile ‘Theme 7-9’ delves further into activism and campaigning, empowering young people to have a broader impact.