Children’s Centre for Mental Health) as part of her intervention “Trauma Informed Schools” places attachment at the heart of her work. Empathy is a blend of thought (cognitive), feeling (emotional) and action (compassion) and she describes a set of Vital Relationship Functions that help map a successful empathetic engagement; moving someone from a state of dysregulation to a regulated, rational state.
These Vital Relationship Functions are very much evident in the activities we have developed as part of SELMA.
The SELMA Toolkit is founded on developing Social and Emotional strategies to tackle online hate, disrupting hate speech through understanding these complex behaviours. Each of the nine Toolkit themes begins with SEL activities that:
This unique and innovative approach to what is a visible and global online issue is a key founding principle of the SELMA Toolkit and sits at the heart of a wider set of focuses that include media analysis; media production; citizenship and peer support.
The SELMA team believe that not only can empathy be taught…but it should be taught if we want to equip generations to come with a skillset that will allow them to flourish in an online world.